October Magazine


Event Posters! 

Click Here: There's loads going on so please take a look!

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Dear Friends,


Please find attached the October edition of your United Benefice magazine, which is packed with church and community information.


At this busy time of year, in our United Benefice, it’s lovely to be able to share so much news of recent celebrations, such as St Mary’s Rose Queen Festival and the Centenary Celebrations at Samlesbury War Memorial Hall, while also looking ahead to upcoming special occasions, such as The Harvest Supper at St Leonard’s, Balderstone.


As the new academic year has begun, we are delighted that this month’s magazine, once again, contains news from our three United Benefice primary schools, and we thank Daniel James for his first magazine contribution, as the new chairperson of FOSMS (Friends Of St Mary’s School).


Our events posters supplement is the busiest it has ever been! Listed below are some of October’s poster events, but please view the attached supplement for details of other upcoming occasions throughout the next three months.


October’s events include:


•             St Leonard’s Harvest Supper (5th October)

•             Mellor Guides Fortieth Birthday Celebration (5th October)

•             Samlesbury Lunch Club (6th October)

•             Macmillan Coffee Morning at Mellor Village Hall (7th October)

•             Quiz Night at Samlesbury Memorial Hall (7th October)

•             Local Litter Pick from Samlesbury Memorial Hall (14th October)

•             Wine Tasting Night at Mellor Village Hall (14th October)

•             Open Week at Balderstone CE Primary School (16th – 19th October)

•             Forest Church at St Leonard’s, Balderstone (22nd October)

•             Little Angels at St Mary’s Church, Mellor (31st October)


We are delighted to welcome Barton Grange Garden Centre and The Flower Bowl Entertainment Centre as a new advertiser in our advert supplements.


Goosefoot Gin have updated their advert, as people begin to think about buying Christmas gifts, and Little Roles Imaginative Play Sessions have also updated their advert, now that they are established at Samlesbury Memorial Hall.


Please do return the support given to us by all our local advertisers, whenever you can.


Please can all contributions and updates for November’s magazine be emailed by Saturday, 28th October. If you attend an event, please consider writing and emailing a report to us. Thank you.


To keep yourself fully up to date, please continue to view our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BMSBenefice between monthly magazines.


Thank you and happy reading,


Michael Oddie

Church Administrator

United Benefice of Balderstone, Mellor and Samlesbury


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