July Magazine
July Magazine Event Posters! Click Here: There's loads going on so please take a look! Advertisers - More Advertisers Dear Friends, We are very pleased to share with you the July edition of your United Benefice magazine, which is, once again, bursting with news of local groups and services, along with details of upcoming events in our busy parishes. Your July edition contains both introductions and thankyous! It is lovely that both Sarah, our new Church Warden at St Mary’s, and Oscar, our new Rose King and Youth Representative at St Leonard the Less, have kindly written articles to introduce themselves, as they begin their new roles. Meanwhile, two of our regular magazine contributors, Rebekah (Samlesbury’s Retiring Rose Queen) and Zohra (Chairperson of FOSMS for the last seven years) have both written to thank you all for your support, as they step down from their roles. Both Rebekah and Zohra have contributed so very much to our comm...